Lo stato della ricerca in Italia Research and innovation in Italy

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20 February 2019

“Parlamentino” room of the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL), Viale David Lubin 2, Rome

10.00 – 13.00: General Council of the Luca Coscioni Association

14.30- 17.30: International Conference

February 20th will mark the 13th anniversary of Luca Coscioni’s death. He had founded, together with Emma Bonino and Marco Pannella, the Association that still bears his name, to focus political attention on the necessity to protect and promote the research on embryonic stem cells due to their enormous medical potential. After many years, defying very restrictive decisions and legislation, there are at least 20 clinical trials ongoing around the world; in Europe only in the Nordics and the United Kingdom; in Italy none.

To remember and update the reformist proposal of its founder, on the day of his death, the Luca Coscioni Association convenes an open meeting to present “the status of freedom of scientific research in Italy”.

This year, the meeting takes place in an important institutional conjuncture; as a matter of fact, in 2019 Italy is up for review before the United Nations Human Rights Council for her Universal Periodic Review and will have to present her report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Our Association is working on a couple of “shadow reports” to be submitted to the United Nations to highlight which reforms are necessary for Italy to fully respect all those human rights that are related to science – meant as research to be regulated but allowed and financed and as science as a producer of therapeutic innovations to benefit all.

General Council of the Luca Coscioni Association (10:00 – 13:00)

From euthanasia, finally discussed in Parliament, to the United Nations initiatives for the right to science, together with disability, abortion, assisted reproduction, we will tackle the new political situation, in Italy and abroad.

Institutional greetings

  • Pierpaolo SILERI, President of the XII Commission “Hygiene and Health”  of the Italian Senate
  • Aldo PENNA, Deputy


  • Filomena GALLO, Court of Cassation lawyer, Secretary of the Luca Coscioni Association
  • Marco CAPPATO, Treasurer of the Luca Coscioni Association

Rodolfo e Anna Cristina COSCIONI will remember their son Luca

Planned speeches

  • Mina WELBY, co-President of the Luca Coscioni Association
  • Marco GENTILI, co-Presidente of the Luca Coscioni Association
  • Mario STADERINI, Jurist
  • Giacomo D’AMICO, Professor of Constitutional Law at University of Messina

Members of Parliament are invited

The following have already confirmed their attendance:

Michele DE LUCA, Mirella PARACHINI, Marco PERDUCA, Michele USUELLI, Maurizio MORI, Massimo CLARA, Giulia PERRONE, Francesco DI PAOLA, Fabrizio STARACE, Silvio VIALE, Guido FROSINA, Stefania BETTINELLI, Angioletto CALANDRINI, Giulia PERRONE, Rocco BERARDO, Cecilia Maria ANGIOLETTI, Leonardo MONACO, Alessandro BRACCIALI, Carmelo COMISI, Giulio COSSU, Giuseppe DI BELLA, Alessandro GERARDI, Giuliano GRIGNASCHI, Luigi MONTEVECCHI, Francesco ORZI, Deborah PIOVAN, Eddo RUGINI, Giulia SIMI, Carlo TROILO, Giuseppe ALTERIO, Gina SPACCATORE BRUNORI.

General Debate

International conference: the state of research in Italy: freedom and financing (14:30 – 17:30)

The following speakers will address the audience: 

  • Filomena GALLO, Court of Cassation lawyer, Secretary of the Luca Coscioni Association
  • Marco CAPPATO, Treasurer of the Luca Coscioni Association
  • Mina WELBY, co-President of the Luca Coscioni Association
  • Professor Lorenzo FIORAMONTI, Deputy Minister for Research (video message) 
  • On. Luigi GALLO, President of the Culture, Science and Education Committee at the Italian Chamber of Deputies 

Starting from the 2018 report of the National Research Council on “Research and innovation in Italy”, three keynote speeches will be delivered by:

  • Daniele ARCHIBUGI, manager at the National Research Council, Rome and Professor of Innovation, Governance and Public Policy at the School of Business, Economics and Informatics of Birkbeck College, University of London Speech title: “Scientific Opportunities and social obstacles: who leads the dance?”
  • Amedeo SANTOSUOSSO, President of the interdepartmental European Centre for Law, Science and New Technologies (ECLT) at the University of Pavia since its foundation and professor of Law, Science and New Technologies at the same institute. Member of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST- UNESCO). Speech title: “The right to science: obligations of the political power, citizens and scientists”
  • Gilberto CORBELLINI, Director of the Department for Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage at the National Research Centre. Speech title: “Do non-politicised research and scientific communication have a future in Italy?”

Mirella PARACHINI, gynecologist and deputy secretary-general of the Luca Coscioni Association, Patrizio GONNELLA, Presidente CILD, Ludovica POLI, from Turin University, Simone PENASA from the Universty of Trento, Costanza HERMANIN from the College of Europe in Bruges, Vittoria BRAMBILLA General Botanic Researcher, University of Milan, Graziella MESSINA, Biosciences Department at the University of Milan, Tania RE, Anthropologist, will present the contents of the “shadow reports” for the United Nations prepared by the Luca Coscioni Association on the rights of and to science in Italy.

For registration send an email to info@associazionelucacoscioni.it